

  • A mole which changes in symmetry
  • A mole that develops an irregular border
  • A mole that changes colour
  • A mole that is getting bigger or is bigger than 6 mm
  • A mole that is changing
  • A new flesh coloured mole
Melanoma Image
About Ann McKenna Image


  • Biopsy under local anaesthetic
  • Excision of the area and an amount of normal skin, to reduce the chance it might come back, under local or general anaesthetic (depending on size)
  • Reconstruction with a skin graft or local tissue that is moved into the area of the excision
  • A lymph node biopsy if required by the laboratory analysis of your cancer

After Care

  • Leave all the dressings intact until the stitches are removed by your GP
  • Do not shower for 48 hours
  • No exercise or heavy housework for 48 hours as this will cause bleeding
  • Take simple over the counter pain relief like Paracetamol or Nurofen for 48 hours or more for any discomfort
  • If the tapes get wet, dry them with a hair dryer
Different types of Sutures and Stitches Diagram